It’s June, we’re half way through the year at SBF, and we haven’t self-immolated (yet)! Call me crazy but that sounds almost like…
A success?
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. There’s still a lot of year left.
Anyway, June's up and running, school’s out, or almost out, and we hope that you guys all got as much out of your year as we did out of ours. Twenty-first grade was tough sometimes, but we made a lot of good friends and some memories to last a lifetime, and ultimately finished strong. Looking forward to an awesome summer and getting back to class in September to tackle 22nd grade, which we hear is mostly review and gut classes anyway.
Here’s the thing – no one wants to do any heavy reading right after finals (we’re only thinking of you, dear reader, we swear), so we decided to change things up a little over here. You’ve been sharing in our Small-Batch Failures these last months and now we’re taking it up a notch (down a notch?) and forgoing our customary long-form to instead offer up some more succinct screw-ups, a month of distilled humiliations, specifically -- 140-character failures. That’s right, June has been designated Tweet-Sized Fail Month, and we’ll keep the fun coming daily here on the blog as well as on Facebook and Twitter. (You might notice that this designation comes somewhat, er, later than it might have, but we beg you to remember who you're dealing with here and adjust your expectations accordingly).
So join us as we say Goodbye reading glasses and scotch, Hello flip-flops and Jello-shots.
It’s gonna be an awesome June.